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.Welcome to Reception. I have included a copy of letter sent home to parents;  Please click onto the link ; rec aut 2022 parent letter 1


Reception Medium Term Planning Aut.1 2022






Welcome to Summer term 1. Please click on the link below to access the curriculum details for this half term, which I have sent home in letter form.

Reception Summer term 1


Welcome to The spring term 2. Our learning challenge this half term is based on ‘famous characters in stories’. We will also focus on growth and changes in our environment during spring time. I have added a ‘topic map’ showing our areas of learning and some of the activities we will cover. spring 2 ‘learning challenge plan



Happy New Year to all  Reception Children and families. This half term our learning challenge is; Transport and people who helps us. Click onto the link to access a summary of our week by week plan for learning.Foundation Stage medium plan-spring 1 2021   

Thursday 21/1/21

Today’s learning challenges;

  1. MATHS today- click onto the maths link and access session 4, listen and join in with the challenges;


2. Look at the pictures from the link attached of people who help us and their vehicles. Draw a picture of your favourite helper and their vehicle e.g a police officer and a police car.  t-t-047–people-who-help-us-display-photos-_ver_6

3. Topic work-people who help us; watch and learn about people and their jobs, using the attached link to the power point.  au-t-597-people-who-help-us-information-powerpoint-_ver_2 (2)

Wednesday 20/1/21

Today’s learning challenge;

  1. phonics lesson- 37 letters and sounds;https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N2Gz0avTavc

2. Scroll down to session 3 on the white rose maths lessons;


3. Maths story;Listen to the song and join in- One Elephant came out to play.

4. TOPIC work;  The train ride; Imagine you are on a train ride, draw what you see through the window.


Tuesday 19/1/21

Today’s phonic lesson -letters and sounds 36-focus on letter ‘y’,click below,don’t forget pencil/paper.

2. Maths-using white rose maths home learning. Click onto the link then scroll down to session 2 for today. Watch the video and join in with the lesson. The focus is ways to make 5-addition to 5.


3. Lets get moving- Baby ballet focus ‘people who help us’- join in and have some fun.

4. Lets get creative- If you haven’t made a junk model vehicle yet,lets get started. Scroll down for examples from week one.

Monday 18/1/21

Today’s phonics lesson 35 letters and sounds. click onto the videos below;

2.  Listen to this week’s story’ the train ride below;

3.  Now you have listened to the story. What did you see on the journey?

4. Choose something you remember seeing on ‘The train ride’ story and write a sentence starting’ I can see the….e.g sheep. Draw a picture to match your writing.

5. Maths;  Making 5 using 2 numbers. Using counters or any 5 of the same objects, share them into 2 groups or sets. How many ways can you share them e.g – 3  and 2,  1 and 4 etc. Listen to the story below; The ugly 5 by Julia Donaldson.

Thursday 14/1/21 challenges for today;

Phonics lesson 34 letters and sounds – today we will focus on recapping previous sounds and introduce letter’ x’. we will then focus on blending sounds to read words. Click onto the videos below; Don’t forget you will need paper and a pencil.




Also today  – looking at push and pull. Look at the power point. Can you guess which objects need a push or a pull force or maybe they need both to move. Then can you find an object at home,it could be a toy, that can be pushed or pulled. Draw a picture of your object or take a photograph. Click onto the link;au-sc-2165-toys-using-push-pull-forces-powerpoint-english_ver_4 (1)

Wednesday 13/1/21 Today’s learning challenges are;

  1.  Enjoy listening to this weeks story’ WE ALL GO TRAVELLING BY’ Join in with the songs/rhymes.

2. I hope you enjoyed joining in with the story. Can you remember all the vehicles in the story? Can you remember the colour of each vehicle and what noise did they make?

3. Choose a vehicle from the story and write one sentence e.g’ A yellow school bus goes beep,beep,beep’. Draw a picture of your choice.

4. Today’s phonics lesson; click onto the lessons from letters and sounds- focus; ‘w’




5. People who help us. Can you match the helpers to their jobs? t-t-29304-who-can-help-me-cut-and-stick-activity-sheet-_ver_3 1

6. Maths; Continue to practise counting to 20. Try writing your numbers to 10 in order,  click onto the link below;


Tuesday 12/1/21 Good morning children,

Today’s  learning;

  1. PHONICS; click onto today’s 2 part lesson from letters and sounds – focus today   ‘v’ 


2.  MATHS;  Focus ‘mass’ -comparing mass( heavy and light) Place an item in each hand,which is heavier? Which is lighter? – use items from around the house e.g orange/apple. Click onto the link below;

au-n-565-light-or-heavy-powerpoint_ver_6 (7)

listen to our maths story; ‘Who sank the boat’ by Pamela Allen;

3. Carry on designing and making your road vehicle.

4. P.E lesson; Rolling -types of rolls; use these cards to practise types of rolls, click onto the link below;



Monday 11/1/21  Good morning Reception,

Today’s challenges;

  1. Can you write 3 sentences using the pictures to help you? Copy the first sentence and then write sentences using the picture symbols to help. Click on to this; Sentence Strips – Landscape 
  2.  Can you draw your favourite road vehicle  and then get crafty  making  a model using recycled junk e.g cardboard boxes, milk bottle plastic lids etc anything you can find around your house, have fun and use your imagination. Maybe you could paint your model when it is finished. Here are some examples; 
  3. Eco Car | They have Free Wifi!
  4. Transport-themed recycled art workshops
  5. Kiddi Caru Junk Modelling Challenge | Kiddi Caru
  6.  Enjoy singing along to the wheels on the bus song;

Friday 8/1/21

Today’s challenges;

  1. PHONICS ; We will revisit some phase 2(Initial letter) sounds today. Look at the sound, say the sound and write the sound-  SEE,SAY,WRITE.   –  s a t p i n m c k  ck  T-L-5840-Phase-2-Phoneme-Flashcards_ver_2  
  2. We will use these letter sounds to read and spell words;   at     sat   tap   in    pin   tin   tan   mat   cat   
  3.  Can you practise reading and spelling these tricky words ;   I  the  to  into go no t-l-6387-coloured-phase-2-to-5-tricky-words-flashcards- 
  4.  New sound today –  phase 3  revisit  sound  J  j  say the name of the letter and the sound. Listen to the story below;  The practise saying  j  j  j jelly and wobble like a jelly. Can you write j.

Friday’s maths story/ song 10 in a bed sing along use your fingers;

Today’s challenges; Thursday 7/1/21


  1. Today’s story;’ The jolly postman



2.  Can you remember who the letters were delivered to?

3.  Can you write a letter to a friend from school ; Dear …  . Can you draw them a picture of yourself?

4.  Do you know your address. Try learning your address and practise writing your name and address. Please do not publish your child’s name and address on Twitter.

5. Today’s maths story; None the Number by Oliver Jeffers; below



Today’s challenges; Wednesday 6/1/21

  1. After listening to the story ‘the duck in the truck’ again ,can you find all the ‘ck’ rhyming words.
  2.  Write all the rhyming words; duck, muck,luck,stuck truck.
  3.  Can you write a simple sentence  ;’ The duck in the truck’. OR more challenging;’ The duck in the truck is stuck in the muck.’  Then can you draw a picture of the duck in the truck.
  4.  MATHS please look at the white rose resources from Tuesday as there are lots of activities to do. Today’s maths song to sing along to is;  Alice the camel below;  Join in with the children and count down to zero.


This week we will focus on ‘ROAD Vehicles and the role of the postman. Plus maths through ‘White Rose’ scheme of learning and phonics work through ‘story-time phonics.

Today’s activities; Tuesday 5/1/21

  1. Can you name types of road vehicles? Can you write a list and draw the vehicles?
  2. Listen to the story ;’ The duck in the truck’


3. talk about the story; Can you name all the helpers in the story? What happened to the truck?How did they get the truck to move? Why do you think the truck got struck?

4. Maths challenge today ; Introducing zero- please click onto the link from White Rose maths to enjoy these activities, do over 2/ 3 days and listen to the songs and rhymes i have added daily. Maths_WhiteRose

5. Today’s song ‘5 little monkeys jumping on the bed’ join in and count down to zero

. Challenge; Can you think of a friend? Can you tell someone about your friend? What do you like about your friend?

How can you be a good friend? Draw a pictures of your friend.

Wednesday 23rd September

Today’s challenges are;

. Listen to the story below

. I hope you enjoyed the story. Can you find different types of buttons around your house? Look on different types of clothes. Look how different they are. How are they different?

. Can you draw a button and draw your own design on it?




Tuesday 22nd September

Hello everyone today’s learning challenges are below;

. Practise writing your name

. Practise making writing patterns; lines,curvy lines, zig zags,circles,swirls.

. Today’s story; Beep Beep Vroom Vroom ;

. After listening to the story, can you see how the cars were lined up in a certain way. They made a pattern each time.

Can you make a repeated pattern using toy cars or any toys(objects) you have 4 or more of?  You could use colours,shapes,types(e.g leaf,stone,leaf,stone…).


Monday 21 st September

Good morning children;

. Continue to practise writing your name.

. Can you also practise putting on your coat and zipping it up by yourself.

. Today’s story; Seaweed Soup and try the suggested maths activities.





Friday 18th September

. Today’s story; The Bear in the Cave.

. Can you tell an adult where did the bear go and what did he see on his travels?

. Look at the power point and answer the questions; Sorting activity


. Can you copy the patterns below(click onto the link) using any mark making tools eg. pencils,paint,chalk etc


Thursday 17th September

Today’s learning;

. continue to practise name writing

. today’s story; Peace At last below;listen to the story, then can you do the activities that follow

. Can you remember some of the sounds that stopped Mr Bear from sleeping? Can you talk about them with an adult or older brother/ sister? Can you draw a favourite sound from the story?

. Can you go on a listening walk around your house and garden? What sounds do you hear?

. Maths- matching shoes, click onto the link, can you find matching pairs of shoes. Shoe Colour Matching Cards 



Wednesday 16th September

Good morning today’s activities are;

. Continue to practise writing your name.

. Can you draw a self portrait- your head including your eyes,eyebrows,nose,mouth,ears and hair. If you can use the correct  colour for your eyes and hair.

. Can you make a funny face using natural material , maybe like the one below(click onto the link)



. Enjoy today’s story; Where’s my teddy;


Tuesday 15th September, today,s activities;

. Can you write your name.

. Can you draw a picture of yourself.

. Maths – matching- can you help your child find objects around the house that match,finding pairs e.g. 2 socks that are the exactly the same.

. today’s story; Kipper’s Birthday



Monday 14th September,

Regretfully school has needed to close today for a period of two weeks , for this period of time I will add daily stories and activities to this web-page for you to access with your child. Thank you for your understanding.



Welcome to our new children and families to Reception Class. Autumn 2020. My name is Mrs Reilly(class teacher)and Mrs Choudry is the teaching assistant.

The children have settled into their new class really well,we are looking forward to having all the children together for a full day, including lunch, starting from Monday 14th September.

We are working hard to make sure the children are washing their hands regularly through out the day including on arrival to school and leaving school at the end of the day.

Our P.E day is Wednesday, please could your child come to school dressed in their P.E clothes for the day.

Our learning this half term is based on ‘ Ourselves’ , click the link below to access a brief description of weekly activities;learning challenge autumn 1-20

We will focus on developing phonics and reading skills throughout the year in Reception, to reinforce the development of phonics we will add  phonics lessons and stories linked to phonics on this web page, to use for home learning.




Summer term

Monday 13/7/2020

Challenge 1

Today’s story-time phonics, focus on the sound oo- long vowel sound as in the word ; moon. Practise saying and writing the sound oo. Listen to the story ‘ whatever next’ below

Challenge 2

Can you write ‘oo’ words; moon,boom,room,broom,doom,zoom,loom. Can you write the sentence; Zoom to the moon.

Challenge 3

Can you draw a picture of a rocket on the moon.

Thursday 9/7/2020

challenge 1 white rose maths day 4


challenge 2 today’s story ; The Gruffalo’s child. Listen  and enjoy the story.

Wednesday 8/7/2020

challenge 1 white rose maths ,click the link below


Challenge 2 Today’s story; Where the wild things are below; Can you draw a wild thing?

Tuesday 7/7/2020

Challenge 1 ; white rose maths day 2 below;


Challenge 2; today’s story;

Elmer- listen to the story. Can you make a patchwork picture of your own choice.

Monday 6/7/2020

Challenge 1; Based on the story of little red riding hood. Click onto the link; t-e-2550504-little-red-riding-hood-cut-and-stick-story-map-activity_ver_5

Use the story map if you are able to print it. If not draw your own story map of the story.

Challenge 2 maths white rose day 1



This week we will focus on the topic of JOURNEYS

Friday 3/7/2020

Challenge 1  Little red riding hood story,listen to the story below


Challenge 2 ; Little red riding hood ideas below;


Thursday 2/7/2020

Challenge 1 ; listen to the story of Goldilocks and the three bears below

Challenge 2 ; t-l-527412-goldilocks-and-the-three-bears-phase-3-find-the-phonemes-phonics-powerpoint-english_ver_2 (1)

Use the power-point to fill in the missing sounds.

Wednesday 1/7/2020

Challenge 1; listen to the story; Giraffe on a bicycle by Julia Wolf

Challenge 2; Can you remember all the animals on the bicycle? Draw a picture of all the animals from the story.

Who is your favourite animal from the story? Write a sentence starting with ‘ I like the..

Challenge 3 ; maths white rose day


Tuesday 30/6/2020

Challenge 1; Today’s story; The 100 decker bus

Wow a 100 decker bus!

Can you think about some of the adventures and can you imagine going on a bus adventure? Where would you go? What would you see and hear? Can you draw a big bus and draw your journey? Maybe your bus could turn into  something different.

Challlenge 2; White rose maths day 2 below


Monday 29/6/2020

Challenge 1; Today’s story ;Journey by Aaron Becker below;


Challenge 2; The story above followed a child’s journey as she drew it. Can you draw a journey using your pencils? Where will your journey take you on your adventure?

Challenge 3 . maths using white rose day 1 ; click the link below;


Friday 26/6/2020

Today’s maths challenge ;white rose day 4/5 click onto the links below;



Wednesday 24/6/2020

Challenge 1; Maths ; white rose day 3


Challenge 2 ;Listen to the story;Mrs Armitage on Wheels by Quentin Blake;

After listening to the story; Can you remember some of the things Mrs Armitage added to her bike?

Can you remember what happened to the bike at the end of the story?

What did Mrs Armitage decide to do with her bike?

What did she decide to replace to replace her bike with?

Tuesday 23/6/2020

Today’s maths challenge; more than using white rose maths,click below;


Monday 22/6/2020

Challenge 1; Listen to the story; The Naughty bus by Jan Oke

Challenge 2 ; Wow, the naughty bus had a real adventure. can you remember where the naughty bus went?

Can you take a toy vehicle for a walk around your house and garden and take it on an adventure? Can you draw a map of where your toy vehicle went,label if you can.

Challenge 3 ; Maths -patterns with colour and size. Follow the white rose plan click onto the link below;


Challenge 4 enjoy the song The naughty Bus.

Friday 19/6/2020

Challenge 1 ; phonics revisit the sound ; igh. say the sound. Listen to the story time phonics below;

Challenge 2; Can you read and write igh words; use the list on the link below;


Challenge 3; Can you write a sentence using the word- night.

Challenge 4;  listen to the story; The journey home from Grandpa’s by Jemima Lumley

After listening and singing along to the story; challenge 1; Can you remember all the ways to travel to Grandpas? 

Challenge 2; Which way to travel was your favourite? Can you draw your favourite  and write the sentence underneath e.g The yellow car drives down the bouncy, bumpy road.


Thursday 18/6/20

Challenge 1 ; Phonics revisit the sound ; th. say the sound. Listen to the story below

Challenge 2; Can you read and write the th words; the, them,that,three,then,this,moth,teeth,path,bath.

Challenge 3; Can you write a sentence starting with This.

Challenge 4 Watch this clip of Villa- Lobos’ Little Train of the Caipira’ listen to the music,how could you move to this?

Wednesday 17/6/020

Challenge 1; listen to the story; On the way home by Jill Murphy.

Claire in the story hurts her knee,she tells her friends lots of tales about how she hurt her knee. Can you remember some of the tales she tells? Can you imagine you have hurt your knee, how did you hurt it, use your imagination.

Challenge 2;  Look around your home,can you see 2D and 3D shapes,draw shapes you find. If you go for a walk can you see shapes around you?

Use this desk chart for students to refer to when writing 2D shape ...


3D Shape Word Mat

Tuesday 16/6/2020

Challenge 1; Listen to the story; Mr Gumpy’s motor car by by John Burningham

Talk about the story . Some ideas; Who joined Mr gumpy in his car? What happened when it started to rain? Who said they would help push the car up the hill? What happened when the car went up the hill? What happened when the car got stuck? What happened at the end of the story?

Challenge 2 Maths ; Heavy and light; comparing weights.

. Place 2 different types of fruit in two bags. Which is the heavier/lighter one? Can you add more fruit and compare again? Place some items in 3 bags , can you order from the lightest to the heaviest?

Use the link below


Look at the power point below all about weighing and answer the questions. Use either link to the power-point.




Monday 15/6/2020


Challenge 1 Listen to the story; The shopping basket by John Burningham

Challenge 2 ; Can you write your own shopping list- choose six items to add to your basket.

You can use the shopping list format below or draw your own basket.


Challenge 3; Cut and stick activity if you are able to print out the sheets;


Challenge 4 ; Maths challenge; The shopping basket- can you find the total number of  foods bought in the story?

6 eggs , 5 bananas, 4 apples, 3 oranges, 2 donuts, 1 packet of crisps- draw the correct number of food and add up the total. How many did Steven buy altogether?

Welcome to a new half term. This weeks topic is based on GROWTH.

We will focus on plant and small creature(insect/mini-beast growth).

Friday 12/6/2020

Challenge 1 ; Revisit the sound ‘ch’ 

Listen to the story ; Chicken Little below

Can you pratice saying – ch.   Can you read and write ch words; chips,chop,cheese,chin,much,chicken,rich.  Can you write a simple ch word sentence?

Challenge 2( maths white rose) click the link ; you can choose to do 1 or both days.




Challenge 1 ; Revisit Story Time phonics phase 3  sound; sh Listen to the story below-‘Sh, we have a plan’

Practise saying the sound ‘sh’.

Can you read and write sh words;  shop, ship, shut, posh, push, bush,  sheet, shout,shin, fish, wish, shell.

Challenge 2; click onto the link ( maths white rose) ;  https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Day-1-The-Princess-and-the-Wizard.pdf

Challenge 3; click onto the link(maths white rose day 2) ; 


Challenge 1; Listen to our story for today; The very hungry caterpillar;


Challenge 2;  Use the home learning sheet below to do some of the activities from the story;


Challenge 3 ; Phonics work-revisit the sound; oa  – listen to the story below;

Can you read the oa words and decide which ones are real words and which are alien words click the link to see the words;Football-Fever-Reception  

Can you write the real oa words?

Monday 8/6/2020

Challenge 1 ; Listen to the story;  The very busy spider by Eric Carle

Challenge 2  ; Can you make a spider and a spider web?

Challenge 3 ;  Can you draw and label all the animals in the story?

The Very Busy Spider (Plus Freebie!)

Friday 5/6/2020

CHALLENGE 1; Draw, paint,collage a rainbow picture. Draw,paint,collage a flower picture,try to use some of the colours of the rainbow.

Rainbow Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock


Rainbow Flower' Photographic Print - Magda Indigo | AllPosters.com

CHALLENGE 2; Phonics revisit; ‘ng’ Listen to phonics fairy reading ‘The wishing dish’

Phonics focus;’ng’    Can you read and write ‘ng’ words; ring,sing,sang,rang,bang,hang,king,wing? Can you write a simple sentence using one of these words?

Challenge 3; Maths challenge ; days of the week click the link below;


Thursday 4/6/2020

Listen to the story ‘What the ladybird heard’ by Julia Donaldson


CHALLENGE 1;  Talk about the story with and adult ;

1.  Can you remember the animals on the farm from the story?

2. What a clever ladybird. What did she do to warn the farmer about the bad men?

3. What did the animals do to stop the bad men?

4. What happened at the end of the story?

CHALLENGE 2; Draw a farm with all the animals on it.

CHALLENGE 3; Write captions for the animals e.g ‘ cluck, said the hen.’ ‘moo ,said the cow.’ etc

CHALLENGE 4; Maths challenge- T-N-5115-Ladybird-Fingerprint-Number-Bonds-to-10-Activity-Sheets           You can use the sheet to draw spots or print spots to make number bond to 10. How many ways can you make 10 using 2 numbers e.g 5 add 5. Or you can draw your own ladybirds then add spots.

CHALLENGE 5 Phonics    re- visit ‘ai’  ; listen to the story’Snail’s trail’ below.  Can you read and write ai words; tail,fail,hail,snail,trail,pain,paint,drain. Can you write the sentence;’ I can see the snail’s trail.’ Can you draw a  snail and a snail’s trail.

Snail Trail Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Monday 1/6/2002;                                   Listen to the story’Oliver’s vegetables.


CHALLENGE 1 ;1. What did grandad grow in the garden? 2. Which vegetable was Oliver looking in the garden for?3. What is your favourite food? 4. Do you eat lots of vegetables? 5.What did Oliver like to eat ?

CHALLENGE 2 ;  Can you draw your favourite vegetable?

CHALLENGE 3;  Can you draw a map of a dream garden and things you would plant in your garden?


Tuesday 2/6/2020

CHALLENGE 1 ; Maths white Rose  – click the link; Day-1-The-Snail-and-the-Whale

CHALLENGE 2 ; Maths white Rose – click the link;  Day-2-The-Snail-and-the-Whale

CHALLENGE 3; Listen to the story’ The bad tempered ladybird by Eric Carle;

  1. Who did the bad tempered ladybird meet on his journey?
  2.  What happened at the start of the story?
  3.  Can you retell the story?
  4.  What happened at the end of the story?
  5.  How can you share and take turns?

CHALLENGE 4;  Look at the life cycle of a ladybird; click onto the link below;


Look at the pictures ;


Draw a leaf and draw /label the life cycle pictures in order or use the link above.

Ladybug on grass

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 2020: Eid Mubarak Images, Wishes, Cards ...

Friday 22/5/2020-  Lots of fun art and design activities today. You can carry on with this week’s activities over the half term break.

CHALLENGE 1- Listen to to the story; The QUEEN’S KNICKERS

Can you design some Knickers fit for a Queen,you could use the design sheet below


CHALLENGE 2  – Design and create a flag or a shield for a knight.  You could use the design sheets below;



CHALLENGE 3 –  Can you make a castle using construction equipment e.g lego, duplo etc or use junk modelling e.g. cereal boxes.


Duplo building - Castle complete | Lego activities, Lego for kids ...

Look at some examples below

How to make a castle out of boxes

Want to make a castle? This one can be easily made with some kitchen roll tubes, cardboard and scissors which you will probably have hanging around your re

Loo roll crafts: castle

CHALLENGE 4 – PHONICS sound –  ‘ ar’ listen to the story below. Can you read and write these ‘ar’ words; car,jar,far,bar,dark,cart,park,shark,lark,mark,dart,start,hard,yard?  Can you write a simple sentence using 1 or more of these words? Can you make you own peep hole picture or even your own telescope?

Thursday 21/5/2020

CHALLENGE 1-  Listen to the story ; Paper bag princess by Robert Munsch.

I hope you enjoyed the story. What was your favourite part of the story? Can you draw a picture of a dragon?

Cute dragon cartoon flying Royalty Free Vector Image

CHALLENGE 2; Can you bake some biscuits or buns for a castle party? Decorate them and enjoy eating them 

CHALLENGE 3 ; PHONICS STORY;   Six Dinner Sid    and revising the sound;   er’

er’ sound focus; Can you read and write the ‘er’ words from the link below, if you can join the sounds to make the ‘er’ words.Six-Dinner-Sid-Reception

Wednesday 20/5/2020

CHALLENGE 1 – Can you create a jumping course for a Knight’s horse? Build jumps using objects in your garden or home. How quickly can you jump over them and complete your course?

Knights suit body protection armor with sword and shield cartoon ...

CHALLENGE 2 –  Draw a picture of a castle . Look at some of the pictures of real castles in the U.K. Go to a web site of 1 famous castle and explore it. What can you find out about it? Click onto the links below to explore.        http://www.kidsonthenet.com/castle/view.html





CHALLENGE 3 maths today Day-3-Superworm


Tuesday 19/5/2020

CHALLENGE 1 – The king or Queen have accidentally dropped 10 items into the castle moat. Some of them sank and others floated. 

Can you find 10 objects?  Can you test them in a water? Do they float or sink?

Sort them into 2 groups,those that float and those that sink.  

Record the above test, draw the objects/label used. 

Float or Sink - Why do things float- Why do things sink- Lesson ...

Challenge 2; Today’s  Maths activity click onto the link; Day-2-Superworm

Challenge 3; PHONICS FOCUS    – Tuesday 19/5/2020  ‘ or’  Read and write these words; corn,worn,torn,born,horn,sort,for,cord,cork,fork. Practise reading these tricky words;  out, were, like,said. Practise spelling these trick words;  you,to,go,no. Listen to the story below


Good morning everyone this week’s learning will focus on the topic ‘Castles’

CHALLENGE 1 –  Build a den type castle in your garden or somewhere in your house. How are you going to make it?

CHALLENGE 2-  Listen to the songs below and sing along. Which words are repeated? Can you memorise the songs? Can you add your own percussion sounds to the songs e.g using things around your home.

Song 1 –

Song 2

CHALLENGE 3 –  Today’ s maths challenge –Day-1-Superworm

CHALLENGE 4 – PHONICS FOCUS- Listen to the story – Rapunzel,  Focus sound’  ‘air’. Can you write and sort the words below into real words and fake words- click onto the link below;


Week beginning ; 11/5/2020


Challenge 1;

Friday 15/5/2020 ; Today’s maths challenge Day-5-The-very-busy-spider

Maths challenge 2; Subtraction please click the link below;


Challenge 2 ; Listen to the story – The great nursery rhyme disaster. Can you sing the nursery rhymes in the story? PHONICS FOCUS; ‘ur’ 

Can you write the ur sound and write some ur words; turn,burn,curl,fur,hurt,curd,turnip,burp,surf.

Can you choose a word from the list to write a simple sentence?

challenge 3 All about me booklet,fun to do click onto the link,  if you unable to print don’t worry just draw onto paper or in your book.


Challenge 1  :

Thursday 14/5/2020; Today’s Maths challenge Day-4-The-very-busy-spider

Challenge 2  ; Listen to the story OH DEAR!  Our focus is the sound ‘ear’  phase 3 phonics. Can you write ear? Can you read and write ‘ear’ words; dear,fear,hear,tear,clear,gear,near,spear? Can you write some sentences starting with the ‘I can hear…..? e.g I can hear the dog bark.

Wednesday 13/5/2020; Today’s Maths challenge Day-3-The-very-busy-spider

Click the link below to access STORYTIME PHONICS. Listen to the story for phase 3 sound OI




PHONICS CHALLENGE- Can you practise writing  ‘oi’ then can you write oi words; oil,soil,boil,foil,coil,coin,join.

Can you write a simple sentence using one of these words?

Tuesday 12/5/2020; Today’s Maths challenge  Day-2-The-very-busy-spider

Click the link below to access STORYTIME PHONICS. Listen to the story for the PHASE 3 sound OW





PHONICS CHALLENGE-  Can you practise writing ‘ow’ then can you write the ow words; cow,bow,how,now,owl,town,brown,frown,clown? Can you write a simple sentence using one of the ‘ow’ words.

Good morning children and families,this week we are going to continue learning through the theme; The Body.

CHALLENGE  1   –     Read – ‘The listening walk’  by Paul Showers. After listening to the story; Can you remember some of the sounds the girl hears on her listening walk?


Make and act out the sounds. Carry out a listening walk around your home or with an adult around your neighbourhood.

Can you remember what you heard on your listening walk. Which sounds were familiar ,new,near,far away.


Literacy; Write/draw down any names of things that were making sounds after your listening walk e.g. car,bird,dog etc.


Maths; White Rose maths focus – THE VERY BUSY SPIDER    Monday 11/5/2020; click onto the link,  Day-1-The-very-busy-spider


My house- Can you draw you and your family inside the house template below;


Enjoy the story below from Oldham Theatre workshop




Thursday 7/5/2020

Challenge 1–        Today’ maths challenge-Day-4-Hungry-Caterpillar

Challenge 2–   Learn the dance ‘The Skeleton dance’   click onto the link-            https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jpvuqj5nv6U

Funnybones by Allan Ahlberg

Challenge 3   –  look at the pictures of skeletons and read the story ‘Funny Bones’ by Janet & Allen Alberg. Click onto the link below;


. Can you create a funny bones picture e.g use sticks,twigs,cotton buds,straws ,whatever you can find and can you take a photo of it?

KS1 - FunnyBones Story | Teaching Resources

Wednesday 6/5/2020 Today’s Maths challenge- Day-3-Hungry-Caterpillar

. Wednesday extra challenges ; Listen to  Eric Carle’s ‘ From Head To Toe’ below

Can you act out the actions in the story as you come across them.

LITERACY  ; Can you read these body part words ?  leg  hip  back  neck  arm  lip  chin  cheek  feet  hand  rib

Sign in to Oxford Owls and read the e books Hands and Run,Run,Run in the section for 4 and 5 year olds.

Can you draw a picture of yourself?  Can you label 5 parts of your body?

Click onto the link below ;


Write and complete these sentences in your book;

I use my hands to  ……….

I use my feet to……..

add you own I use my sentences.

Tuesday 5/5/2020 Today’s Maths challenge-  Day-2-Hungry-Caterpillar


This week we will  to learn through the theme ; MY BODY . New learning and activities  below

. Point to body parts as directed by an adult and name them.

. Carry out a sequence of actions such a clap your hands,touch your toes,wave your arms. Sing ‘one finger,one thumb use You Tube link ;

. . sing the song Dry bones on ‘sing along kids’ on YouTube.



.  Listen to the story ,then answer the questions;

. Can you remember the different ways in which the girl tried to straighten her hair?

. What were some of the words she used to describe her hair?



Online phonics lessons. The website explains that the lessons will happen daily at the following times. Because it is new I do not know if the lessons will still be there later in the day if you miss that time. If you are seeing this later please just take a look and see what the situation is. For parents there is a short video (click) that shows you how children are taught to say each of the phonic sounds.

10am – Reception Lesson (click) if your child is reading a book that is a red, green or blue book band.


. MATHS activities, click on the link below

WHITE ROSE MATHS – week begin;4/5/2020 ‘ The very hungry caterpillar’

Day 1 Monday 4/5/2020 click onto the link      Day-1-Hungry-Caterpillar


Using Quantities and Objects They Add Two Single-Digit Numbers Solving Problems – Doubling

Solving Problems – Halving

Click on the power point below to access doubling.

. t-c-254566-ladybird-doubles-to-20-powerpoint_ver_1

. Can you draw a ladybird shape and draw the same number of spots on their wings to show doubling to 10, if you can try to 20


Friday 24th April, today’s challenge- Maths activities,click on the statements below

Using Quantities and Objects They Add Two Single-Digit Numbers

Finds One More or One Less Than



Learn the song; Heads,shoulders,knees and toes. with actions. Make up your own version of the song with different body parts.

 ACTIVITY; Can you print with fingers,hands and feet to create pictures?  Can you draw round your hands and feet,cut them out and make collages and patterns on them?
ACTIVITY; Can you make  make a model of your body out of play dough or plasticine? Can you make one of a friend or family member? How are they different?
Have fun leaning and don’t forget to show your learning on Twitter.


Wishing you all well,keep safe hopefully see you soon,

Mrs Reilly and Mrs Choudury xx



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